Monday, May 30, 2011

The Zen in the fire?

Living a Zen lifestyle. if you have known me for awhile now, you are probably laughing so hard snot is coming out of your nose. Yup, Me - the over-stressed, super-easy-to-anger-reaction, fuck-off-leave-me-alone, over-personalizing, overly sensitive person. But here I am, slowly (very slowly) changing my life and the way I have been living it.

I do NOT take mental health lightly. Having broke down at least three major times, couple trips to emerg of an hospital and many medications later, I am finally starting to see myself leveling off. Good, bout friggin' time! So many mental health classes/groups and a stint through Anger Management, I am slowly changing the way I behave and react to things. Especially things that are completely out of my control, yet would have set me off regardless. I am more determined to live life for me, and leaving the small stuff aside and behind (good riddance I say!).

No, I do not have candles lit all around my room, or the fountain going (although I do have one of those, thanks mom, from Christmas) or wake up to meditate or do yoga.

I am simply adjusting my attitude. Perceiving the world in a different light, slowing down and taking a breathe. It is slow coming, but it is coming, and that is the point.

So, while I will be posting of my tales and adventures (don't get too excited, I don’t do anything too exciting, such as storm-chasing (morons)), this will hopefully document my path to complete Zen. Living free of my personal prison, and enjoying life and what it has to offer.


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