Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Marble to Glass, Not All that Fast!

The building of my workplace is getting a facelift. A much needed facelift. Marble for ALL 72 stories (floors) was a great idea – back in the 60s! Canadian weather and climate is not kind to marble. It bends, its chips, it falls off and nearly kills people below on the street. The facelift is much needed and long overdue. Fortunately, the building is being VERY environmentally friendly through this whole process.

Now, because of the facelift, and in order to put in the new GLASS panels (it looks really sleek, beautiful and clean), the old LARGE marble slabs have to come off. This involves a lot of drilling. Lots and lots of loud, penetrating to the brain drilling. It is annoying. I won't deny that fact. You would have to be deaf to not be affected by the noise. But really, why must I suffer through this noise AND peoples' constant comments?

"Holy that is loud!"
"Wow, that is awful!"
"Is it going to be as loud as yesterday, again?!"
"If you think its loud in here, you should hear it out in the corridor!"

Gee, no thanks. I am pretty sure that the sound of drilling doesn't actually change (not talking bout volume) with the passage through a doorway.

It's fucking obvious people! We don't need minute by minute commentary. You think I haven’t noticed the striking of metal to marble?? And no, there is no way around it. Suck it up Buttercup!

Quite frankly, I am in actual awe of the work. Kudos to those men who are currently 46-fucking-stories above the road, and lots and lots of concrete below to break their fall, not too mention other things! (Ouch!) – and HELL! They started on the 72nd floor, HELL, they even went HIGHER than that in order to anchor the damn "Scaffolding Floors" to the building!!! And they started all this in JANUARY!!!! Have you been in Toronto, in January/February?? NOT pleasant.

So how about you all shut your muthafuckin' traps, stop your bitchin' 'cause lets face the facts. If presented with the option to be in here working, or out there in the cold winds, swaying, HIGH off the ground, I feel pretty confident that majority of the population in here would opt for the indoor noise!

And to that, I say, "HA! HA!"

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