Thursday, June 9, 2011

Disturbing Occurances...

Just after the New Year, I made a discovery that was a mixture of being depressed, grossed out and completely bewildered! My first love, childhood friend, playmate, was getting married. He proposed to his girlfriend over the holidays. Apparently even asked her mother (her father passed away last year, thats how they became closer) for her permission to marry her daughter.

Normally, this would just inflict feelings of sadness, what-ifs and a deep, deep feeling of loss. The disgust and disdain comes from this fact: his beautiful bride-to-be? His first cousin. Yup, that's right.

Now, I am not going to knock the whole "You can't help who you are attracted to…" jazz, because you can't. Honestly. The part that really gets at me though? You DON'T fucking ACT on it! Jesus Christ. Finding someone attractive, pretty, handsome, good looking (you see where this is going)…that’s human nature. First cousins, that is still a little too closely related for me! Yes, I know its not your sibling, but you still share what, 25-50% same genes? Show me where all the dilution is???

6 billion people on this earth. Lets go to your aunt Martha's and see what cousin Peggy-Sue is doing. Just combing her hair? Ah shucks, she prime ripe for picking, aka shove your nasty cock in her dirty cunt.

Wedding is this August *Shudder* - Can't WAIT to see what the kids look like (Complete sarcasm!)… One of my first impressions: Hmm, she knocked up already? (Note: I do not actually know if this is to be fact or not)

He wouldn't even fuck me when I was home 6 years ago. But apparently has no qualm about sticking it to his blood and flesh.

Oh, maybe I should mention our families are related too….6 TIMES REMOVED!!!

*Gag* Rant over. Thank you.

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