Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am going to Hell...

I have multiple mosquito bites, little fuckers.  That's what I get, I guess, from walking through a ravine in warm weather. But I digress. That is not why I am going to Hell.

I have to start with the fact that half a block away, lives a young man, that for all intensive purpose, we shall call him Mr. Can't-Get-The-Hint, until I can think up of a much more cleaver name for him! He really never gets the hint/signal/clue that people pop out at him left, right and center! He constantly over steps your threshold of comfort. Constantly.

So today, while my momma and I took Chloe on her evening walk, we stopped at a house just a street over that has a young pup (year old) named Max. We like Max, Chloe likes Max, Max likes us. Max's people like us and we them. Mr. Can't-Get-The-Hint shows up with his dog. Not trained dog at that. That's besides the point. Mom and I instantly cringe as he approached. So we stayed and chatted (with Max's parents) and then, when I could see his dog intently focused on Max, I took my chance.
Me: "Oh, guess we outta head on out for our walk!"
Mom: "Ya, we better go..."
Mr. Can't-Get-The-Hint: "Ok, we'll (him & his untrained dog) catch up."
Mom: (Under her braethe)"I don't think so!"
And then we proceeded to powerwalk and try our very very very best to make sure he wasn't following us!!! And then we proceeded to talk about him, all through the walk. Even worried we might run into him on our way back! We actually pondered the best route to take to avoid running into him!

It wasn't until we were a few houses away from home when I made the statement. After every corner, every street, we checked, and creeped...oh god.

"We are SO going to Hell!"
And he is waiting for me

:( Yup, I am not perfect. Never have claimed to be. But I do try to be a tolerant person. Have friends of different race, religion, interests! And Mr. Can't-Get-The-Hint is nice, has good intentions, which is probably why I feel the occasionally twinge of guilt. But let's face the facts, I will still try and do the duck-and-hide next time round he comes into view!

So, I hope that seat in Hell is nice and warm for me...

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